chuán jiǎng

Chinese dictionary
Show pinyin

  • 1

    n.boating equipment

    • chuán jiǎng bèi shuǐ li de shén me dōng xi chán zhù le


      The blade of the oar had entangled itself with something in the water.

    • yòng liǎng gè chuán jiǎng tuī dòng de xiǎo chuán


      an skiff usually propelled by two oars

  • 2

    paddle; (refer to )

Word usage

  • "船桨" is often matched with measure word "副"or"支"or"对".
    • 船桨

      one pair of paddles

    • 船桨

      one paddle

    • 船桨

      one pair of paddles