chuàn gòng

Chinese dictionary
Show pinyin

  • v.act in collusion/collaboration to make each other's confessions tally

    • tā men hù xiāng chuàn gòng qǐ tú tuī fān yuán gòng cí


      They were in collusion and attempted to retract their testimony.

Word usage

  • "串" and "供" can be combined as one word, or be used separately with other elements inserted.
    • 犯人已经

      The criminals have colluded to make sure their stories match.

    • 嫌疑一旦破案更加困难

      Once the suspects collude with others, it will be more difficult to clear up the case.

    • 他们分别关押房间根本不了

      They were held in two separate rooms and couldn't collude at all.

Chinese words with pinyin chuan gong