cún dàng

Chinese dictionary
Show pinyin

  • 1

    v.keep in the archives; place on file; file for later reference; store (processed documents, materials, manuscripts, etc.) in archives

    • cún dàng wén jiàn


      save a document

    • cún dàng bèi chá


      file for future reference

    • bǎ wén jiàn cún dàng


      keep a document on file

  • 2

    v.save file

    • wǒ wú fǎ chuàng jiàn cún dàng fú wù shù jù kù


      I failed to create archiving service database.

    • zhè ge chéng xù měi wǔ fēn zhōng zì dòng cún dàng yī cì


      The program automatically saves to disk every 5 minutes.

Word usage

  • "存" and "档" can be combined as one word, or be used separately with other elements inserted.
    • 文件已经

      This document has been filed.

    • 所有材料

      I have placed all the materials on file.

    • 稿件什么时候

      When was the manuscript filed?