dā bān

Chinese dictionary
Show pinyin

  • 1

    v.datedtemporarily join a theatrical troupe to put on performances

  • 2

    v.team up temporarily with somebody; temporarily join in a group's work

    • chū chē shí nán hái zǒng shì zhǎo lǎo gōng rén dā bān yǐ biàn zhuāng xiè chē shí zhù tā men yī bì zhī lì


      The boy always teams up with elder workers when he is out driving a truck, so that he can help them load and unload.

    • tā xǐ huan tóng lǎo gōng rén dā bān


      He likes to team up with old workers.

    • wǒ yù yáng bó shì dā bān gǎo kē yán


      I teamed up with Dr. Yang on a research project.

Word usage

  • "搭" and "班" can be combined as one word, or be used separately with other elements inserted.
    • 话剧演员参加巡演

      The actors of the play put on performances jointly for the time being.

    • 一起出差

      I have grouped with him to go away on business.