
Chinese dictionary
Show pinyin

  • v.take a taxi; go by a cab; hail a taxi

    • wǒ men dǎ chē qù jī chǎng ba


      Let's take a taxi to the airport.

    • nǐ děi dǎ chē bù rán méi fǎ dào nà lǐ


      You'll have to take a taxi. There's no other way of getting there.

    • wǒ men dǎ chē qù tú shū guǎn ba


      Let's take a cab to the library.

    • dǎ chē ruǎn jiàn


      taxi-hailing app

Word usage

  • "打" and "车" can be combined as one word, or be used separately with other elements inserted.
    • 我们电影院

      Let's take a taxi to the cinema.

    • 为了我们

      To save money, we have never taken a taxi.

    • 50

      The taxi trip costed fifty yuan.