Common separable words HSK 1

Here are all the common separable words in HSK 1.

shàng shū上书submit a statement

shàng qù上去go up; be used after a verb to indicate a rise in level or a movement of the subject toward the object

shàng tiān上天heaven; go up to the sky

shàng xué上学go to school; begin primary school

shàng gōng上工go to work; begin work at the employer's house on the first day

shàng lái上来begin; summarize

shàng shuǐ上水upper reaches of a river; sail upstream

shàng bān上班be on duty

shàng kè上课attend a class; conduct a class

xià shū下书deliver a letter

xià qù下去down; on

xià xué下学finish

xià gōng下工knock off

xià lái下来come/get/go down; come down

xià shuǐ下水be launched; sock in water to shrink textiles, cloth or fabrics

xià bān下班knock off

xià kè下课dismiss a class; resign

zhù yuàn住院be hospitalized

zuò kè作客visit a relative or a friend; sojourn

zuò gōng做工do manual work; workmanship

chū qù出去go/get out; be out

chū lái出来come out; emerge

fēn gōng分工division of labour

fēn kāi分开separate; divide

chī fàn吃饭have a meal; keep alive

tīng jiàn听见hear

tīng huà听话listen to; be obedient or docile

huí qù回去return; back

huí lái回来return; back

huí diàn回电wire back; return cable

huí huà回话answer an enquiry from one's superior; reply

zuò guǒ坐果bear fruit

bāng máng帮忙help

kāi huì开会meet

kāi xué开学open

kāi gōng开工go into production; come under construction

kāi chē开车start; start a machine

kāi fàn开饭begin to serve a meal; serve a meal

dé dào得到obtain

dǎ zhù打住come to a halt; stay temporarily

dǎ zuò打坐sit in meditation

dǎ zì打字typewrite

dǎ kāi打开open; bring about a new situation

dǎ yàng打样draw a design; produce a proof before printing

dǎ qì打气inflate; encourage

dǎ chē打车take a taxi

fàng jià放假have a day off

fàng xué放学classes are over

yǒu míng有名famous

yǒu xǐ有喜be pregnant

diǎn míng点名call the roll; mention somebody

ài guó爱国love one's country

shēng qì生气take offence;life

shēng bìng生病be taken ill

kàn shàng看上like

kàn kāi看开be philosophical

kàn bìng看病see a patient; see/consult a doctor

kàn jiàn看见catch sight of

shuì jiào睡觉fall asleep

jiàn miàn见面meet; contact

shuō huà说话speak; chat

qǐng jià请假ask/apply for leave

qǐng kè请客stand treat

dú shū读书read a book; study one's lessons

zǒu lù走路walk; leave

qǐ chuáng起床get out of bed

qǐ lai起来stand up; rise

jìn qù进去enter; in

jìn lái进来enter; in

shàng cài上菜serve the food/dishes; top quality dish

zuò fàn做饭cook

tīng shū听书listen to a storyteller

yǒu qì有气be or get angry

dǎ qián打钱collect money from an audience

yǒu qián有钱be rich

qǐ lái起来stand up; get up