
Chinese dictionary
Show pinyin

  • 1

    n.vehicle; conveyance with wheels; tool with wheel and axle

    • tā xīn mǎi le yī liàng chē

      He has bought a new car.

    • jǐng chá mìng lìng sī jī bǎ chē diào tóu


      The policeman ordered the driver to turn the car around.

    • zhè jiā gōng chǎng yòng chē yùn huò


      The factory hauls goods by car.

  • 2

    n.tool with wheel and axle

    • shuǐ chē


    • fǎng chē

      spinning wheel

    • huá chē


  • 3

    v.lift water by waterwheel

    • bǎ hé li de shuǐ chē dào dào tián li


      lift water from a river into paddy fields

  • 4

    v.lathe; turn; metal-turning with a lathe

    • chē jī qì líng jiàn


      lathe a machine part

  • 5


    • chē jiān


    • kāi chē

      start the machine

  • 6

    n.Che, a surname

Words and phrases with 车

  • 车票
  • 车尾
    [word]rear of a vehicle; tailstock
  • 车主
    [word]owner; owner of a rickshaw rental business
  • 车门
    [word]door of a vehicle; side door/gate of a compound or yard for carriages and horses
  • 车牌
    [word]number/licence plate; brand of vehicle
  • 车速
    [word]speed of a motor vehicle; speed of a lathe in operation
  • 车市
    [word]car/vehicle market
  • 车展
    [word]car exhibition/show
  • 车行
    [word]car/bike rental company; vehicle dealer's shop
  • 车水马龙
    [idiom]heavy/dense/congested traffic
  • 车马盈门
    [idiom]inundated with distinguished visitors
  • 车载斗量
    [idiom]enough to fill a cart with and measure in bushels
  • 车笠之盟

Word usage

  • "车" is often matched with measure word "辆"or"台"or"部"or"款".
    • one car

    • one car

    • one car

    • one type of car

Similar-form characters to 车