dǎ gǔn

Chinese dictionary
Show pinyin

  • 1

    v.roll about; roll on the ground

    • zài tián yě li dǎ gǔn de mǎ


      a horse having a roll in the field

  • 2

    v.live in the same place for a long time; stay in a certain circumstance for a long time

    • tā cóng xiǎo zài nóng cūn dǎ gǔn zhǎng dà


      He lived in the village from a young age.

Word usage

  • "打" and "滚" can be combined as one word, or be used separately with other elements inserted.
    • 小狗草地

      The dog is rolling on the grass.

    • 没有雪地

      I have not rolled in the snow.

    • 孩子

      The child has rolled over on the ground.