
Chinese dictionary
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  • 1


    • tā men zhōng yú dào dá gāi dà lù


      At last they arrived on the continent.

    • wǒ men yào qù ōu zhōu dà lù dù zhōu mò


      We're going to spend a weekend on the Continent.

    • zì ran zāi hài xiǎn rán cù shǐ le gāi dà lù de jīng jì wēi jī


      Natural disasters have obviously contributed to the continent's economic crisis.

  • 2

    n.mainland of China (when contrasting with the country's islands)

    • hěn duō tái wān tóng bāo huí dà lù tàn qīn


      Many compatriots from Taiwan return to the mainland to visit their relatives.

    • dà lù rén mín fēi cháng huān yíng tái wān tóng bāo


      The people on the mainland welcome Taiwan compatriots very much.

    • dà lù rú jīn fā zhǎn de fēi cháng hǎo


      The mainland is doing very well now.

Word usage

  • "大陆" is often matched with measure word "块".
    • 大陆

      one piece of the mainland

Chinese words with pinyin da lu