lù dì

Chinese dictionary
Show pinyin

  • n.dry land; terrace; earth

    • tài yáng cóng dì píng xiàn shang shēng qǐ lù dì shang de yī qiè dōu mù yù zhe yī piàn róu hé


      The sun rose over the horizon and everything on the land was bathed in softness.

    • dù guò xiōng yǒng péng pài de dà hǎi huí dào lù dì hòu shǐ rén cháng shū yī kǒu qì


      It was a great relief to be back on dry land after such a rough crossing.

    • huí dào lù dì shang de gǎn jué zhēn hǎo


      It was good to be back on dry land again.

    • zài lù dì hé hǎi yáng shang


      on land and at sea

    • cóng chuán shang kàn jiàn le lù dì


      sighted land from a boat

    • lù dì jiāng jiè


      land boundary

Word usage

  • "陆地" is often matched with measure word "块"or"片".
    • 陆地

      one piece of land

    • 陆地

      one piece of land