
Chinese dictionary
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  • n.ambassador (to a country or organization, or for an organization or industry)

    • zuò wéi quán quán dà shǐ tā dài biǎo de shì guó jiā de wài jiāo xíng xiàng


      As an ambassador plenipotentiary, he represents the diplomatic image of his country.

    • zhè ge jué dìng jiāng bèi chuán dá gěi yī lā kè zhù lián hé guó dà shǐ


      The decision will be relayed to Iraq's ambassador at the UN.

Word usage

  • "大使" is often matched with measure word "位"or"名"or"个".
    • 大使

      one ambassador

    • 大使

      one ambassador

    • 大使

      one ambassador