diào shǎi

Chinese dictionary
Show pinyin

  • v.lose colour; fade

    • yìn huā bù bèi shài de diào shǎi le


      The patterned cloth has faded in the sun.

    • zhè zhǒng bù liào bù diào shǎi


      This material won't fade.

    • bì zhǐ diào shǎi le


      The wallpaper has faded.

    • zhè biān de fú shǒu cái gāng bèi fěn shuā guò hěn róng yì diào shǎi


      The railings on this side have just been whitewashed and can fade easily.

Word usage

  • Note
    "色" cannot be pronounced as "sè" in "掉色".
  • "掉" and "色" can be combined as one word, or be used separately with other elements inserted.
    • 毛衣

      The sweater has lost color just after being washed once.

    • 衣服那么好看

      The clothes doesn’t look so good when the color is faded.

    • 裙子怎么

      How did the skirt lose its color?