diē jiāo

Chinese dictionary
Show pinyin

  • 1

    v.fall over; lose one's footing; trip and fall

    • xiǎo hái ér xué zǒu lù miǎn bu liǎo huì diē jiāo


      A baby learning to walk falls a lot.

    • tā diē jiāo zhī hòu hún shēn téng tòng


      After the fall, his whole body ached.

  • 2

    v.metamake a mistake; suffer a setback

    • nǐ men zài gōng zuò zhōng shǎo bu liǎo huì diē jiāo


      You can't avoid making mistakes in work.

    • shuí dōu huì diē jiāo


      Everyone can't avoid falling.

Word usage

  • Note
    "跌跤" cannot be written as "跌交".
  • "跌" and "跤" can be combined as one word, or be used separately with other elements inserted.
    • 以免

      You should slow down lest falling over.

    • 这个小孩儿

      The child has fallen over.

    • 工作没有

      I haven't made a big mistake in my job yet.