dìng biān

Chinese dictionary
Show pinyin

  • 1

    v.finalize the organizational structure; determine the structure of an organization; delimit the organizational structure

    • dìng gǎng dìng biān


      fixed posts and staffing

  • 2

    n.personnel quota

    • wǒ men dān wèi xiǎo dìng biān zhǐ yǒu rén


      Our unit is small, with a fixed number of only 25 people.

Word usage

  • "定" and "编" can be combined as one word, or be used separately with other elements inserted.
    • 领导签字我们部门一直不了

      We can't fix the number of staff without the signature of the leader.

    • 单位一般以后招聘

      The companies usually recruit workers after the number of staff being fixed.

    • 公司

      The company fixes the number of staff once a year.