
Initial:dVideo guide
Final(T3):ìngVideo guide
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Chinese dictionary
Show pinyin

  • 1

    v.decide; establish; assign

    • kāi huì shí jiān dìng zài míng tiān shàng wǔ


      The meeting is set for tomorrow morning.

    • tā men de jié hūn rì qī dìng zài xià gè yuè chū


      Their wedding date is set for early next month.

    • zhè chǎng bǐ sài de shí jiān dìng zài zhōu wǔ wǎn shang


      The game is scheduled for Friday night.

  • 2

    adv.fmldefinitely; certainly; surely

    • zhè cì bǐ sài wǒ men dìng néng qǔ dé shèng lì


      We are sure to win this game.

    • zhǐ yào jiān chí nǐ dìng néng shí xiàn zì jǐ de mù biāo


      You can achieve your goals as long as you persist.

    • wǒ de qián dìng shì bèi xiǎo tōu tōu zǒu le


      My money must have been stolen by a thief.

  • 3

    calm; stable; calm down; composed

    • gāi kǎo shì le tā hái xīn shén bù dìng


      It's time for the exam and he's still in a flutter.

    • děng dà jiā dōu zuò dìng le zài jiǎng


      We'll talk about it when we're all seated.

    • zhèn dìng

      calm down

  • 4

    v.fix; set

    • dìng jīng

      fix one's eyes upon

    • dìng yǐng

      photographic fixing

    • biǎo zhēn dìng zhù bù dòng le


      The hands of the watch stood still.

  • 5

    adj.fixed; settled; established; stipulated; arranged; prescribed

    • dìng lǐ


    • dìng lùn

      final conclusion

    • dìng jú

      inevitable outcome

  • 6

    v.book (seats, tickets, etc.); order (merchandise, etc.); subscribe to (a newspaper, etc.)

    • dìng cài

      make an order for a meal

    • dìng bào

      subscribe to a newspaper

    • dìng jīn

      advance payment

Words and phrases with 定

  • 定员
    [word]fixed number of staff members or passengers; personnel quota
  • 定势
  • 定性
    [word]determine the nature; determine the chemical composition and properties of a substance
  • 定局
    [word]foregone conclusion; make a final decision
  • 定位系统
    [word]fixer system
  • 定制
    [word]customize; an established rule or practice
  • 定格
    [word]freeze; fixed form or standard
  • 定价
    [word]fix/make/place/set a price; fixed price
  • 定居点
  • 定时炸弹
    [idiom]time bomb; potential danger
  • 定于一尊
    [idiom]look up to the supreme authority as the only standard

Word usage

  • Note
    "定" is different from "订". "订" emphasizes the process of discussion; "定" emphasizes the determined result.

Similar-form characters to 定

Chinese Characters with pinyin dìng

  • conclude; make a plan or commitment
  • spindle; ingot-shaped metal or medicine
  • used as a component of 吡啶
  • nail; sew on
  • buttocks