dìng shén

Chinese dictionary
Show pinyin

  • 1

    v.pull oneself together; calm somebody down

    • tā tíng xià lái dìng le dìng shén cái zǒu jìn miàn shì shì


      He paused to collect his thoughts before entering the interview room.

    • xiāo ēn hē le yī dà bēi bái lán dì hǎo ràng zì jǐ dìng dìng shén


      Sean drank a large glass of brandy to calm his nerves.

    • tā lüè wēi dìng le dìng shén


      She calmed down a little.

  • 2

    v.concentrate one's attention; collect one's thoughts; focus one's attention

    • tā dī xià tóu dìng le dìng shén


      She lowered her head and steadied her nerves.

    • miàn shì zhī qián xiān dìng shén


      Collect your thoughts before an interview.

    • tā fèi jìn de dìng shén kàn zhe


      With an effort she focused on the speaker.

Word usage

  • "定" and "神" can be combined as one word, or be used separately with other elements inserted.
    • 不住

      I can't compose myself.

    • I have composed myself.