
Chinese dictionary
Show pinyin

  • n.tofu; bean curd

    • wǒ men jīn tiān zhōng wǔ chī bào chǎo dòu fu


      We have stir-fried tofu at noon today.

    • tā zuò de dòu fu tè bié hǎo chī


      The tofu he makes is very delicious.

    • wǒ zuì ài chī xiǎo cōng bàn dòu fu zhè dào cài


      My favorite dish is tofu mixed with shallots.

Word usage

  • "豆腐" is often matched with measure word "块"or"斤".
    • 豆腐

      one piece of tofu

    • 豆腐

      one jin of tofu