duì zhèng xià yào

Chinese dictionary
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  • apply medicine according to indications; prescribe the right remedy for an illness; suit the remedy to the case; take proper steps

    • zuò sī xiǎng gōng zuò bì xū yào duì zhèng xià yào


      In doing ideological work, one must suit one's methods to the situation.

    • miàn duì bù tóng xué shēng de xué xí qíng kuàng yào duì zhèng xià yào


      Facing the learning situation of different students, we should prescribe the right medicine.

    • ruò bù zuò chū zhèng què zhěn duàn wǒ jiù wú fǎ duì zhèng xià yào


      I can't provide the correct medicine without the proper diagnosis.

    • wǒ men pò qiè xū yào cǎi qǔ duì zhèng xià yào de zhàn lüè


      We urgently need to adopt the problem-oriented strategy.

    • zhǐ yǒu wèn tí zhǎo dào le wǒ men cái kě yǐ duì zhèng xià yào


      Only when the problem is found can we prescribe the right medicine.