duǒ zhài

Chinese dictionary
Show pinyin

  • v.avoid a creditor

    • shòu hóng guān jīng jì huán jìng yǐng xiǎng qǐ yè jiàn jiē róng zī rì yì kùn nan bìng chū xiàn yīn zī jīn duǎn quē ér pò chǎn hé dǒng shì zhǎng pǎo lù duǒ zhài jú miàn


      Affected by the macro-economic environment, the indirect financing of enterprises is increasingly difficult, and the situation of bankruptcy and the chairman running away from debt appears because of the shortage of funds.

Word usage

  • "躲" and "债" can be combined as one word, or be used separately with other elements inserted.
    • 外地

      I went out of town to avoid the creditors.

    • I've never avoided any debt.

    • He has been avoiding a debt for half a year.