
Chinese dictionary
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  • 1

    n.amercement; money submitted as a fine (forfeit, or penalty)

    • wéi yuē de yī fāng yīng dāng jiāo fá kuǎn


      The part who breaks a contract should submit amercement.

    • wǒ yào dào yín háng jiāo fá kuǎn


      I have to go to the bank to pay the fine.

    • zhè jiā gōng sī yào zhī fù fá kuǎn


      The company has to pay a fine.

  • 2

    v.impose a fine or forfeit

    • wéi fǎn jiāo tōng guī zé yào fá kuǎn


      Fines are imposed for breaches of traffic rules.

    • jǐng chá ràng wǒ xiàn zài jiāo fá kuǎn


      The police asked me to pay the fine now.

    • fǎ yuàn lái shōu qǔ fá kuǎn le


      The court came to collect the fine.

Word usage

  • "罚" and "款" can be combined as one word, or be used separately with other elements inserted.
    • 红灯应该多少

      How much fine should he pay for running a red light?

    • 司机超速

      The driver was fined for speeding.

    • 为什么

      Why are you fined?

  • "罚款" is often matched with measure word "次"or"笔".
    • 罚款

      one fine

    • 罚款

      one sum of fine