fǎn wèi

Chinese dictionary
Show pinyin

  • 1

    v.regurgitate; revolt; have a queasy stomach; have a gastric disorder

    • tā yī zhí fǎn wèi


      He keeps regurgitating.

    • zhè qì wèi shǐ wǒ fǎn wèi


      The smell made my stomach turn over.

  • 2

    v.metabore; feel nauseated

    • zhè zhǒng wén zhāng ràng rén fǎn wèi


      Such articles are revolting.

Word usage

  • "反" and "胃" can be combined as one word, or be used separately with other elements inserted.
    • 红薯

      He had a nausea after eating a sweet potato.

    • Every time I take this medicine, I’ll have a nausea.

    • 什么食物?

      What food made you feel nauseous?

Chinese words with pinyin fan wei