fàn shǎ

Chinese dictionary
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  • 1

    v.dialplay the fool; pretend to be naive; pretend to be stupid

    • qí shí tā shá dōu zhī dào tā shì zài fàn shǎ ba


      Actually, he knows everything, but he pretends to know nothing.

    • dà jiā dōu zǒu le tā hái zuò nà fàn shǎ


      He was still sitting there in a daze when everybody had left.

    • nǐ bù yòng fàn shǎ le yīn wèi wǒ men dōu zhī dào nǐ shì xián yí rén


      You don't need to play the fool, because we all know you are the suspect.

  • 2

    v.dialblunder; do something foolish; act foolishly

    • tā shuō nà yàng de huà zhǔn shì fàn shǎ le


      He must be mad to say so.

    • wǒ bù huì fàn shǎ wàng le zhī qián de jiào xùn


      I'm wise enough not to forget the lessons of the past.

    • tā cái bù huì fàn shǎ zuò nà yàng de chǔn shì ne


      He knows better than to make such a blunder.

  • 3

    v.dialbe in a daze (or trance)

    • tā zuò zài nà r fàn shǎ ne


      It's silly of him to sit there.

Word usage

  • "犯" and "傻" can be combined as one word, or be used separately with other elements inserted.
    • 证据面前不了

      You can't pretend to be ignorant in front of the evidence.

    • 年轻

      I made some blunders when I was young.

    • 这儿什么

      What are you doing here in a daze?

Chinese words with pinyin fan sha