fāng wèi

Chinese dictionary
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  • 1

    n.points of the compass

    • dōng xī nán běi shì jī běn fāng wèi


      East, west, north and south are the cardinal points of the compass.

    • zhǐ nán zhēn wéi wǒ zhǐ míng fāng wèi


      The compass points me to the direction.

    • jiè zhù luó pán lǚ xíng zhě kě yǐ zhǎo dào zì jǐ suǒ chǔ de fāng wèi


      With the aid of a compass the traveler can find his bearings.

  • 2

    n.direction and position; orientation

    • shēng huó shì quán fāng wèi de shì lì tǐ de


      Life is all-round and three-dimensional.

    • quán fāng wèi guī fàn zhí fǎ líng jù lí gǎn shòu fú wù


      Standardize law enforcement in all directions, and experience service from zero distance.

    • zài dà wù zhōng dēng shān zhě hěn nán què dìng zì jǐ de fāng wèi


      The mountaineers found it difficult to orientate themselves in the fog.

Word usage

  • "方位" is often matched with measure word "个".
    • 方位

      one bearing