fàng qíng

Chinese dictionary
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  • v.clear up (after rain)

    • tiān yǐ fàng qíng rén men máng zhe shài yī fu


      The weather's cleared up and people are hanging out their clothes to dry.

    • xià wǔ tiān jiāng fàng qíng


      It will clear up this afternoon.

    • yǔ jì bù jié shù tiān bù huì fàng qíng


      The weather won't clear up until the rainy season is over.

    • dàn yuàn tiān qì gǎn kuài fàng qíng


      Hope it would clear up soon.

Word usage

  • "放" and "晴" can be combined as one word, or be used separately with other elements inserted.
    • 天气终于

      The weather has finally cleared up.

    • 以来没有

      It has rained every day since autumn, and hasn't cleared up yet.