fēng shèng

Chinese dictionary
Show pinyin

  • adj.(of materials) rich; abundant; bumper

    • jiā lǐ jǔ bàn le fēng shèng de yàn xí


      There was a sumptuous banquet at home.

    • jīn tiān de zǎo cān hěn fēng shèng


      It's a hearty breakfast today.

    • jǐn guǎn tiān qì bù hǎo zhōng guó jīn nián hái shi yíng lái le yī gè fēng shèng de xià shōu


      China has enjoyed a bumper summer harvest this year, despite unfavorable weather.

    • wù chǎn fēng shèng


      plentiful produce

Word usage

  • Note
    "丰盛" is different from "丰富". "丰盛" is mostly used in material aspects, especially food; "丰富" can be used in material aspects as well as spiritual aspects, such as experience, knowledge, etc., and can be used widely.

Chinese words with pinyin feng sheng