fú yì

Chinese dictionary
Show pinyin

  • 1

    v.be on (active) service; enlist in the army; serve in the army

    • tā zài bù duì fú yì hěn duō nián


      He has served in the army for many years.

    • tā qù hǎi jūn fú yì le


      He's serving in the Navy.

    • tā fú yì qī mǎn le


      He completed his term of service.

  • 2

    v.dated(in former times) do corvée labour

    • tā bèi pàn fú yì sān nián


      He was sentenced to do corvée labour for three years.

  • 3

    v.(of a weapon, device, vehicle or other facility, etc.) in use

    • zhè tái jī qì shàng zài fú yì


      This machine is still in use.

Word usage

  • "服" and "役" can be combined as one word, or be used separately with other elements inserted.
    • 他们部队

      They served in the same army.

    • 运动员开始

      At what age did the athlete start his service?

    • 坦克已经半年

      The tank has been in service for half a year.