
Chinese dictionary
Show pinyin

  • v.(of a divorced couple) remarry; get reunited; marry each other again; restoration of a marriage

    • dēng jì fù hūn


      registration of resumption of a marriage

    • tā yǔ yuán lái de zhàng fu lí hūn shí nián hòu yòu fù hūn le


      She remarried her former husband ten years after their divorce.

    • tā huò shì zhī hòu bù xiǎng zài tóng tā fù hūn


      After his release, he did not want to remarry her.

Word usage

  • "复" and "婚" can be combined as one word, or be used separately with other elements inserted.
    • 他们已经

      They have remarried.

    • 他们什么时候

      When did they remarry each other?

    • 他们去年不久离婚

      They got remarried last year, but soon divorced again.