fù xìn

Chinese dictionary
Show pinyin

  • 1

    v.write a letter in reply; reply by letter

    • wǒ gěi tā fù xìn sān fēng tā shuō dōu méi shōu dào


      He says he has received none of the three letters I wrote back to him.

    • shōu dào dú zhě de xìn hòu jiù lì jí kāi shǐ fù xìn


      Replies were immediately sent out in response to letters from readers.

    • tā máng zhe fù xìn


      He busied himself with answering letters.

  • 2

    n.letter in reply

    • wǒ men zài dēng le guǎng gào hòu shōu dào le xuě huā bān fēi lái de fù xìn


      We received an avalanche of letters in reply to our advertisement.

Word usage

  • Note
    "复信" cannot be written as "覆信".
  • "复" and "信" can be combined as one word, or be used separately with other elements inserted.
    • He replied to my letter last month.

    • Who replied to your letter?

    • 已经

      I have replied to your letter. Did you receive it?