
Chinese dictionary
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  • n.bay; harbour; estuary

    • lí míng shí wǒ men shǐ chū le gǎng wān


      We sailed out of the harbor at daybreak.

    • lǜ sè hé huáng sè de dēng guāng zài gǎng wān shuǐ miàn shang shǎn shuò


      Green and yellow lights blinked on the surface of the harbor.

    • tā men zhèng zài shū jùn gǎng wān yǐ biàn dà chuán shǐ rù


      They're dredging the harbor so that larger ships can use it.

Word usage

  • "港湾" is often matched with measure word "个"or"处".
    • 港湾

      one harbor

    • 港湾

      one harbor