gé rè

Chinese dictionary
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  • v.insulate against heat

    • zēng jiā fáng zi de gé rè xìng néng huì yǒu zhù yú jiǎn shǎo gōng nuǎn fèi yòng


      Better insulation of your home will help to reduce heating bills.

    • dōng tiān fù gài zài dì miàn de xuě shí jì shang duì xià miàn de tǔ rǎng yǒu gé rè zuò yòng


      The snow, which blankets the ground in the winter, actually has an insulating effect on the soil beneath it.

    • zhī fáng shì jí hǎo de dǐ yù hán lěng de gé rè cái liào


      Fat is an excellent insulator against the cold.

    • gé rè cái liào


      heat-barrier material

    • gé rè shǒu tào


      heat-resistant gloves

    • gé rè bō li chuāng


      insulating glass window

    • gé rè de gé lóu


      an insulated attic

Word usage

  • "隔" and "热" can be combined as one word, or be used separately with other elements inserted.
    • 的话房间不了

      If the roof is too thin, the room won't be insulated from the heat.

    • 你们什么材料?

      What material did you apply to insulate against heat?

    • 材料怎么?

      How can this material insulate against heat?