gěi yǐ

Chinese dictionary
Show pinyin

  • v.fmlgive; grant

    • gěi yǐ yán lì de chéng chǔ


      give sharp punishment

Word usage

  • Note
    "给以" is always folllowed by an abstract thing; "给" is always followed by people. e.g., 职工生病的时候,应当给他帮助。 We should help our employees when they get ill. 对于劳动竞赛中优胜的单位和个人,应当给他们适当的奖励。 Give units and individuals that win labour competitions appropriate awards.
  • "给" and "以" can be combined as one word, or be used separately with other elements inserted.
    • 讲话300人民鼓舞

      His speech inspired more than three million people.

    • 这些捐款儿童帮助

      The donations will help many children.

    • 我们到场来宾热烈欢迎

      Let's give a warm welcome to all the guests here.