gōng gào

Chinese dictionary
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  • 1

    v.give public notice; announce

    • yǐ shàng tōng lìng qǐng gōng gào quán tǐ gōng mín zhōu zhī


      The above announcement is hereby made known to all citizens.

    • dì tiáo shì yè dān wèi yìng yú xiǎn míng ér yì jiàn zhī chǎng suǒ gōng gào zuǒ liè shì xiàng


      Article 32 an institution shall make public the following items in a conspicuous place.

    • yuè rì gōng gào chéng nuò nóng cūn gǎi gé xīn gāo cháo


      An October 12th announcement promised a "new upsurge" in rural reform.

  • 2

    n.public notice/announcement

    • tā zài yǔ zǒng tǒng de huì tán hòu fā bù le gōng gào


      She made her announcement after talks with the president.

    • duì quán guó de gōng gào


      announcement to the entire nation

    • fā bù yī fèn gōng gào


      make a notice

Word usage

  • "公告" is often matched with measure word "份"or"个"or"纸".
    • 公告

      one announcement

    • 公告

      one announcement

    • 公告

      one announcement

Chinese words with pinyin gong gao