gào shi

Chinese dictionary
Show pinyin

  • 1

    n.bulletin; official notice; placard; announce

    • tiē gào shi


      paste a notice

    • tā zài bù gào bǎn shang tiē le yī zhāng gào shi


      She posted a notice on the bulletin board.

  • 2

    n.datedslogan; post; poster

    • hóng lǜ gào shi


      colourful posters

    • wǒ men àn zhào hǎi bào shang gào shi de shí jiān àn shí jìn rù huì chǎng


      We went to the meeting hall at the time as announced in the poster.

Word usage

  • "告示" is often matched with measure word "份"or"张"or"些".
    • 告示

      one copy of the notice

    • 告示

      one notice

    • 告示

      some notices