gōng guān

Chinese dictionary
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  • 1

    v.storm a strategic pass/fort; attack a strategic pass

    • gōng guān zhǎn jiāng shì rú pò zhú


      tackle key problems and cut generals is like breaking bamboo

  • 2

    v.metatackle a key problem; solve a tough problem; tackle difficult scientific and technical problems

    • nóng yè kē xué zhòng diǎn xiàng mù gōng guān


      tackle key projects in agricultural science

    • kè kǔ zuān yán gōng guān


      study diligently and resolve knotty problems

    • zhòng diǎn kē yán xiàng mù yào zǔ zhī yǒu guān rén yuán xié zuò gōng guān


      For key scientific research projects, we should organize those concerned to work together and solve knotty problems.