gōng yòng

Chinese dictionary
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  • n.function; use; effect

    • biāo diǎn fú hào de gōng yòng


      function of punctuation

    • zhè jiàn wù pǐn yǒu shén me gōng yòng


      What is this thing used for?

    • tā rèn wéi yì shù yǒu hěn dà de shè huì gōng yòng


      She argued that the arts have great social utility.

    • zhè zuò jiàn zhù wù réng zài fā huī qí zuì chū de gōng yòng zhēn liǎo bu qǐ


      The building is still fulfilling its original purpose admirably.

    • dì tǎn réng yǒu cù jìn zhōng xī wén huà jiāo liú de gōng yòng


      Carpets still fulfill the function of bringing these two cultures together.

Chinese words with pinyin gong yong