gòu xiǎng

Chinese dictionary
Show pinyin

  • 1


    • nǐ de xíng wéi hé nǐ duì zì jǐ de gòu xiǎng lèi sì


      You will "act like" the sort of person you conceive yourself to be.

    • lì fǎ gòu xiǎng


      legislation conceive

  • 2

    n.idea; concept

    • hǎo de gòu xiǎng


      good idea

    • ōu zhōu zhèng zhì gòng tóng tǐ de gòu xiǎng


      idea of a European super state

Word usage

  • Note
    "构想" is different from "构思". When used as a verb, "构思" is mostly used in literary and artistic creation; when used as a noun, "构想" is mostly used in major decision-making.
  • "构想" is often matched with measure word "个"or"些".
    • 构想

      one idea

    • 构想

      some of the ideas

Chinese words with pinyin gou xiang