gǔ dǒng

Chinese dictionary
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  • 1

    n.antique; curio

    • tā shōu cáng le hěn duō gǔ dǒng


      He has a large collection of antiques.

    • tā jīng yíng gǔ dǒng


      He deals in antiques.

    • zhè bù shì zhēn zhèng de gǔ dǒng


      This isn't a genuine antique.

  • 2

    n.metaoutmoded item

    • zhè ge gǔ dǒng hěn zhí qián


      This outmoded item is valuable.

    • wú jià zhī bǎo de gǔ dǒng zài dà huǒ zhōng fén huǐ


      Priceless antiques were destroyed in the fire.

    • gǔ dǒng de jià zhí yī tā men de bǎo cún zhuàng kuàng hé xī yǒu chéng dù ér dìng


      The value of antiques will depend on their condition and rarity.

  • 3

    n.derogmetaold fashioned person; old fogey/fossil

    • tā shì yī gè lǎo gǔ dǒng


      He is an old fogey.

    • tā gōng jī tā de duì shǒu jiāng tā chēng wéi zhèng zhì gǔ dǒng


      He aimed his attacks at his opponent, calling him a "political dinosaur".

    • wǒ bù xiǎng ràng zì jǐ tīng shang qu xiàng yī gè lǎo gǔ dǒng


      I don't want to sound like I'm some old fogy.

Word usage

  • Note
    "古董" cannot be written as "骨董".
  • "古董" is often matched with measure word "件"or"批".
    • 古董

      one antique

    • 古董

      one batch of antique