gù zhàng

Chinese dictionary
Show pinyin

  • 1

    n.breakdown; stoppage; failure

    • yóu yú fā dòng jī chū le gù zhàng fēi jī yī xià zi zāi dào dì shang


      The engines failed and the plane dived to the ground.

    • qì chē zài lù shang chū gù zhàng le


      The truck had a breakdown on the road.

    • jī qì jiū jìng chū le shén me gù zhàng


      What's the trouble with the machine?

  • 2

    n.metaobstacles to the smooth running of the work

    • tā pái chú gōng zuò shang de gù zhàng


      She worked out the kinks at work.

    • shì qing xiǎn xiē chū le gù zhàng


      Things almost went wrong.

    • fā bù huì de gù zhàng jiě jué le


      The problem with the press conference is solved.

Word usage

  • "故障" is often matched with measure word "个"or"次".
    • 故障

      one fault

    • 故障

      one fault