
Chinese dictionary
Show pinyin

  • 1

    n.metakey; crux; hinge; crucial part of a matter

    • nòng qīng qíng kuàng shì jiě jué wèn tí de guān jiàn


      A clear knowledge of the situation is the key to solving the problem.

    • bàn hǎo xué xiào guān jiàn zài yú tí gāo jiào xué zhì liàng


      The decisive factor for running the school well is to improve teaching quality.

    • guān jiàn zài yú yào yǒu xìn xīn


      What counts is confidence.

  • 2

    n.door bar; door bolt

  • 3

    adj.the most important; crucial

    • guān jiàn de yī nián


      a year of crucial importance

    • guān jiàn wèn tí


      crucial problem

    • zhè shì zhè cì jì huà de guān jiàn yào sù zhī yī


      This is one of the key elements of the plan.

Word usage

  • Note
    "关键" is different from "要害". "要害" refers to the vital part, with heavier semantic meaning; "关键" refers to the decisive factor, with lighter semantics.
  • "关键" is often matched with measure word "个".
    • 关键

      one key