guāng huán

Chinese dictionary
Show pinyin

  • 1

    n.ring; corona; a ring of light (round a planet)

    • tǔ xīng sì zhōu yán chì dào miàn yǒu sān gè guāng huán


      Saturn is encircled by a system of three rings lying in the plane of its equator.

  • 2

    n.luminous ring

    • wǔ yán liù sè de ní hóng dēng guāng huán


      rainbow halo of neon light

    • ní hóng dēng zǔ chéng xiàng zhēng ào yùn huì de wǔ cǎi guāng huán


      The neon lights form the five coloured rings symbolic of the Olympic Games.

    • tā yǒu zhe wú dí de guāng huán


      She had an aura of invincibility.

  • 3

    n.aureole; aura; halo (round the head of a holy person)

    • shèng mǔ de guāng huán


      madonna's halo

Word usage

  • "光环" is often matched with measure word "个".
    • 光环

      one halo