guī biǎo

Chinese dictionary
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    n.archsundial; an ancient Chinese sundial consisting of an elongated dial and one or two gnomons

    • líng tái shang yǒu hún yí guī biǎo dì dòng yí děng yí qì


      There are instruments such as an armillary sphere, gnomon and ruler sundial, and seismometer on the coffin platform.

    • yǔ qí tā guī biǎo bù tóng de shì zhè jiàn guī biǎo shì yòng de dì lǐ wěi dù shì gù dìng de


      In contrast to other gnomon and ruler sundials, this gnomon and ruler sundial can only be used at a fixed latitude.

    • guī biǎo lì yòng tài yáng shè yǐng de cháng duǎn lái pàn duàn shí jiān


      The gnomon-and-ruler indicates the time by the length of the shadow of stylus in the sun.

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