guò dōng

Chinese dictionary
Show pinyin

  • v.pass the winter; hibernate

    • zhè jiàn báo mián ǎo néng guò dōng ma


      Is it possible to ride out the winter in such a thin jacket?

    • dà yàn měi nián dōu lái zhè lǐ guò dōng


      Every year wild geese fly here to pass the winter.

    • bǎ yáng gǎn dào shān gǔ li qù guò dōng


      herd the sheep into the valley for the winter

    • zhè xiē niǎo zài nǎ lǐ guò dōng


      Where do these birds winter?

    • guò dōng de chǎng suǒ


      place to overwinter

    • mǔ niú chī dào cǎo guò dōng


      Cows winter on straw.

    • wèi guò dōng ér zhǔn bèi


      provide against winter

    • kǎo chá duì jué dìng zài shān li guò dōng


      The investigation team decided to overwinter in the mountains.

    • tā men yǒu zú gòu de rán liào lái guò dōng


      They had enough fuel to see the winter out.

    • sōng shǔ zhù cáng jiān guǒ yǐ guò dōng


      The squirrel makes a store of nuts for the winter.

Word usage

  • Note
    "过冬" is different from "越冬". "越冬" cannot be used for people; "过冬" can be used for people and other things.
  • "过" and "冬" can be combined as one word, or be used separately with other elements inserted.
    • 穿毛衣

      Can you spend the winter with a sweater?

    • 北京出差

      I'm going to Beijing for a business trip after the winter.

    • 南方

      I passed the winter in a small southern town once.

Chinese words with pinyin guo dong