
Chinese dictionary
Show pinyin

  • n.Chinese character

    • hàn zì shì mù qián shì jiè shang shǐ yòng rén kǒu zuì duō de wén zì


      Chinese characters are the most widely used characters in the world.

    • hàn zì yǒu yōu jiǔ de yǎn biàn lì shǐ


      Chinese characters have a long history of evolution.

    • xǔ duō wài guó rén dōu zài xué xiě hàn zì


      Many foreigners are learning to write Chinese characters.

    • hàn zì gǎi gé


      reform of Chinese characters

    • jiǎn huà hàn zì


      simplify Chinese characters

    • hàn zì zhù yīn


      phonetic annotation of Chinese characters

    • hàn zì jiào xué yī zhí shì dì èr yǔ yán jiào xué fā zhǎn de yī gè lán lù hǔ


      Chinese character teaching have been restricted the development of second language teaching.

Word usage

  • "汉字" is often matched with measure word "个"or"行"or"页".
    • 汉字

      one Chinese character

    • 汉字

      one line of Chinese characters

    • 汉字

      one page of Chinese characters