háng liè

Chinese dictionary
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  • n.ranks; array

    • tā zhàn zài háng liè de zuì qián miàn


      She stood in the very front line of the formation.

    • zhè jiā gōng chǎng jīng guò zhěng dùn hòu jìn rù le tóng lèi qǐ yè de xiān jìn háng liè


      The factory has joined the ranks of advanced enterprises in the industry after a shake-up.

    • jīn nián xià tiān wǒ cóng xué xiào bì yè yǐ hòu jiā rù le shī yè zhě de háng liè


      This summer I left school and joined the ranks of the unemployed.

    • jiā rù gé mìng háng liè


      join the ranks of the revolution