hù duǎn

Chinese dictionary
Show pinyin

  • v.cover up one's mistake/shortcomings; shield a shortcoming/fault; side with the one who is in the wrong

    • zuò mā ma de duì hái zi hù duǎn méi shén me hǎo chu


      It does no good to a child to have his faults shielded by his mother.

    • xiǎng jìn bù jiù bù yīng gāi gěi zì jǐ hù duǎn


      If you want to improve, you shouldn't cover up your mistake.

    • hái zi yǒu le cuò wù zuò jiā zhǎng de bù gāi hù duǎn


      Parents should not shield their children's faults.

    • hù duǎn shì jiā bèi de cuò wù


      Justifying a fault doubles it.

Word usage

  • "护" and "短" can be combined as one word, or be used separately with other elements inserted.
    • 总是自己孩子

      He always covers up his child's mistakes.

    • 出于无奈撒谎

      She has no choice but to lie to covers up the mistakes.

    • 秉公执法

      He has always been impartial in dispensing justice and never covered up the mistakes.