huái hǎi

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  • n.Huai Hai Sea, region north of the Huai He River with Xuzhou as its hub

    • lǔ xī běi dì qū shì huáng huái hǎi píng yuán zhōng dī chǎn tián zì lào wā dì de zhǔ yào fēn bù qū zhī yī


      The low-lying saline-alkali wetland is one of main type of low yield fields in Huang-Huai-Hai Plain.

    • xī hàn shí qī huái hǎi dì qū xíng chéng le jiào wéi chéng shú de qū yù shì chǎng


      In the Western Han Dynasty, the mature regional markets were developed in the Huaihai region.