huán kǒu

Chinese dictionary
Show pinyin

  • v.answer back; retort; contradict

    • tā bù xiǎng huán kǒu zhǐ dèng le tā yī yǎn


      He didn't want to answer back, just simply glared at her.

    • tā zì zhī lǐ kuī zěn me shuō tā yě bù huán kǒu


      Knowing he was in the wrong, he didn't answer back no matter what was said.

    • tā shuō shén me zhè hái zi dōu yào huán kǒu


      The child would answer back to all she said.

    • mà bù huán kǒu


      not answer back when insulted

Word usage

  • "还" and "口" can be combined as one word, or be used separately with other elements inserted.
    • 生气

      He was too angry, so he retorted.

    • 害羞以至于不了

      He is too shy to retort.

    • 别人批评

      He has never responded to the criticism of others.