huǐ róng

Chinese dictionary
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  • v.disfigure; deface

    • qī zi zài yāo qiú lí hūn shí bèi zhàng fū huǐ róng


      The wife was disfigured by her husband when she wanted to divorce.

    • zài yī cì chē huò zhōng tā huǐ róng


      Her face had been disfigured in a car accident.

    • zhěng xíng wài kē shǒu shù dǎo zhì tā wán quán huǐ róng le


      He has been left hideously disfigured by plastic surgery.

    • tā men dōu zài mèng zhōng bèi yī gè yán zhòng huǐ róng de shā shǒu zhuī shā


      They are all being stalked by a horribly disfigured killer who hunts them in their dreams.