huì kuǎn

Chinese dictionary
Show pinyin

  • 1

    v.remit money; make a remittance

    • tā dào yóu jú huì kuǎn qù le


      He went to the post office to remit money.

    • tā měi yuè dōu huì kuǎn huí jiā


      He remits home every month.

    • xǔ duō yí mín dìng qī gěi tā men de jiā rén huì kuǎn


      Many immigrants regularly remit money to their families.

  • 2


    • huì kuǎn miǎn zhēng suǒ dé shuì


      The remittance is exempted from income tax.

    • suǒ yǒu dìng dān jūn xū fù huì kuǎn


      A remittance must accompany all orders.

    • zhè xiē qián jiào zuò yí mín huì kuǎn


      Those sums of money are called remittances.

Word usage

  • "汇" and "款" can be combined as one word, or be used separately with other elements inserted.
    • 儿子母亲

      The son has remitted money to his mother.

    • He remitted money to his family last month.

    • 母亲

      He has sent money to his mother three times.

  • "汇款" is often matched with measure word "笔"or"项".
    • 汇款

      one remittance

    • 汇款

      one remittance