jiá rán

Chinese dictionary
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  • 1

    adj.fmlloud cry of a bird

    • jiá rán zhǎng míng


      loud cry

  • 2

    adj.fml(of sound, etc.) cease abruptly; come to an abrupt end

    • jiá rán ér zhǐ


      (of a sound) stop abruptly

    • qì chē cóng wǒ men shēn biān jí chí ér guò cèng dào qiáng bì shang rán hòu jiá rán shā zhù


      The car hurtled past us, scraping the wall and screeching to ahalt.

    • zhèng shì zhè xiē rén zài děng gōng sī gāng gāng qǐ bù shí jiá rán fàng huǎn le tóu zī bù fá


      The same ones who slowed down their investing pace, when companies like Facebook were just getting started.